Vin Diesel Twin Brother and Family » Celebily

Vin Diesel Twin Brother and Family » Celebily

Now that we are deep in 2016, rumors and speculation about Vin Diesel’s twin brother have calmed down a bit, but new rumors are spreading. Maybe we will get a new wave of energy about the now confirmed twin brotherhood, but that will have to wait.

In the early days of 2015 Vin (born Mark Sinclair) was facing a difficult time when he had to put up with the media picking up on the rumors about his twin brother. Vin had a fraternal twin brother who had lived a life away from the limelight, until they caught up with him, of course.

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There were photos on the Internet about the alleged twin brother, and there was no resemblance whatsoever. Vin was finally tired and offered to publish a photo of his real twin just so the media would stop torturing another person, and it was a shock. Unlike the photos shown on the rumor mill websites, Vin’s real twin was something of a spectacle and ignited further excitement.

Vin Diesel Family

Diesel’s mother, Delora Sherleen Sinclair, is a successful astrologer. Although her originality is not visible, she has a Scottish, German, and English background. To date, Vin Diesel has not had the opportunity to meet his biological father. He was brought up by his stepfather, Irving H. Vincent, who is both a theatre manager and an acting teacher. The actor is silent when it comes to family life. However, it turns out that he has three children (Hania Riley, Vincent Sinclair, and Pauline) with his long-time girlfriend Paloma Jimenez. His siblings include Paul Vincent, Tim Vincent, and Samantha Vincent.

Vin Diesel Brother – Paul Vincent

The true identity of Vin’s twin brother was revealed when Paul Vincent was born on July 18, 1967, on the same day as Vin (Mark Sinclair) in Alameda County, California. Vin had therefore chosen to use his brother’s real name (or at least the short form) as his stage name. The star actor of “The Last Witch Hunter” decided to publish a photo of his brother and declared the end of the mystery that the media had loved so much.

Paul turned out to be nothing less than Vin. He immediately attracts attention and has all the charm that Vin’s followers love. There is a striking resemblance, which should be normal as they are twins, but most fraternal twins are usually opposite to each other. Vin and his brother were born to their mother, astrologer, and psychologist Delora Sinclair Sheerleen, in Alameda, where they both grew up, but decided to take different paths.

It was all about the media having fun

Before the true identity of Vin’s twin brother could allegedly be clarified, it had already been revealed a year earlier. It was all about the media having fun, Diesel had noticed in a Facebook stream after rumors started spreading that another guy was his twin brother. In the stream, Vin referred to another 2014 post called “The 2 Pauls”, in which two men were in the background in a movie set. Both men shared the name Paul (or Pablo, as he is famous in the California part).

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One of them (the late Paul Walker) had too much hair on him, while the other one was somewhat comparable to Vin. He had betrayed his twin brother and commented. The media had this knowledge and just had some fun pushing for what they would make of the rumors. When it all came to an end, the fans couldn’t help but notice that Vin’s twin was a “hottie”.

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Back in 2006, Vin had reminded the media that he loved his privacy and would not give it to the outside world like other players. This might be one of the reasons why he prefers his stage name Vin Diesel to his real name Mark Sinclair. It must have been very difficult to reveal his twin brother, or he simply couldn’t let the media torture another person pretending to be his brother when they already knew he wasn’t. Or maybe they were just pushing him because of his comments at the time.

A movie for the bro…?

After revealing such an identity, it’s only normal that the fans expect that Vin’s brother gets the chance to appear in his next movie (at least in one or two scenes). Diesel is known for his deep voice, which broke at the age of 15, and fans would love to listen if there was any similarity in the portrayal of his twin. But that may have to wait much longer, given the new publicity that is still being digested. As already mentioned, Paul likes to keep his family out of the spotlight. That’s quite interesting, considering that Vin, a truly world-famous star, likes to keep his privacy intact. How much more would his brother wish to stay away from the waves? Well, the fans can understand that, but they would still be happy to see him in a clip somewhere.


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